Color Coding In Progress Tasks within a Specific Time Period in Gantt Chart


Is there a way to color code tasks in a gantt chart that occur during a specific time period? For example, I would like all tasks that are in progress during the months of May, June and July to show as red. I see that I can set conditional formatting to fill the cell background of tasks with specific start and complete dates, but this does not pull the tasks that are in progress. Thank you


  • Andrew Stewart
    Andrew Stewart ✭✭✭
    edited 01/09/20

    Hi Alyjon14,

    The colour of the task bar (as opposed to the cell background) is set using the little dropdown under Task Bar in the conditional formatting menu.

    You can most likely create the rule you need directly in conditional formatting, but I often find it is more flexible to create an extra column check box called In Progress, and make the rule simple (If "In Progress" then apply ....). Then you can put a more complex formula into the "In progress" column, such as =AND([Start Date]<=July,[End Date]<=May).

    This helps if you want to do things that are not directly supported in the conditional formatting rules, for instance highlighting tasks that have a due date in the next 6 working days, or on a Thursday, etc.

    I hope this helps.

