Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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how to handle daily feedback of effort per task



how do you handle the daily feedback of effort for a task by a ressource?

I have not found any good solution but looking for an easy way to show a ressource the list of tasks and give them the ability to enter the daily amount of hours spend on a certain task.

This amount should be cumulated in the project plan and should be used for calculating the progress of a task.


  • Community Champion

    Ooooooh, Time. Smart sheet doesn't play very nicely with time as they don't currently have any time specific formulas relating to time. If you search the community you can probably find some people's work arounds. A simple process might be creating a form to be filled out daily to input # of hours worked on a project and then you can sum those hours to get total hours. Would that work for you?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Mike and thank you for your answer.

    In the projectsheet each row is a task and has an assignment. How can I add several effort reportings to that row by a form? May be I misunderstood your answer.

  • Community Champion

    Hmmm. I see. One way you could possibly do it is to have a row indented for each task based on the intended duration of the task where the user could mark daily what's been worked on. But I don't have a super viable solution. Because there isn't a great time feature in smartsheets we tracked days to completion by adding an Actual Start Date and an Actual End Date to calculate the days to complete but tracking by hour isn't as possible. I know Smartsheet is considering how to add time functions and time management but that might not be something we see till Engage in September.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    one solution could be to add the daily efforts by using the card view and add a subtask = effort to the task.

    If I double click this subtask I can enter date and hours. How can I reduce the shown fields to e.g. date of effort and number of hours and my be a comment? Because I have so much fileds and helper fields it is impossible to explain the workers which 2-3 fields they should fill. I think of a similar selection of fields like in forms.

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