Proofing Download Not Working


I have a sheet with Proofing enabled. When a proof is sent to a reviewer with the allow download option enabled, the reviewer is unable to download the proof. When download is attempted, a new page opens up with an error message that says, "This link has been removed or cancelled."

How can this be fixed?



School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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  • Hey Dan, thanks for the message and feedback. I'm the Product Manager for Proofing and also see this bug. We will work on getting a fix out so it should work again soon!

  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, Brian. Glad to hear (a) it's not just me and (b) a fix is on the way. Will there be an update when the bug is sorted out?

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

    If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!

  • Emmet McKenna
    Emmet McKenna ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Brian, just in addition to Dan's point above, the clarity of the uploaded proofs is very poor in both the Proofing window (within the main sheet) and also the Proof Review window you are brought to if you click on the link in an email notification. This only seems to have become an issue in the last number of days.

  • @Emmet McKenna thanks for the message. What kind of files are you uploaded and what are the file sizes? I will look into it!

  • @Dan Palenchar yes we will send an update out when this is resolved! In the meantime you can have them download the file from the proof in the sheet, or if they don't have access you can send it separately through email (which I know isn't ideal).

  • Angel Trevino
    Angel Trevino ✭✭
    edited 05/11/20


    proofs are not loading for me in the last week.

    As soon as I click row for proof, page locks up and I have to restart browser.

    Is this a smart sheet issue that will be resolved soon?!

  • @Angel Trevino I'm sorry to hear this! What kind of files are you uploading to the proof? How many proofs do you have in the sheet?

  • Niki
    Niki ✭✭

    I know the downloading to actually proof a document is not working (bug), but does the functionality allow a proofed, needing changes copy to be downloaded so it can be edited/fixed offline and then post the updated piece as version 2?

  • Has there been any fixes to this bug? Some of our users are experiencing the same issue & others are not. I have already verified that they are on the most current version of Google Chrome & when the same link is opened in (the most current version of) Microsoft Edge the error persists.

  • My clients are having the same issue and not being able to access the file when the link is sent to their email to review the proof. It comes back as "This link has been removed or cancelled". I have sent the link to them several times and this is still happening. I uploaded a multipage PDF file. Let me know if there is a fix for this. Thanks.