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Reoccurring Alerts


Is there a way to make alerts or reminders reocuring?

I am a property manager using smart sheets to set up profiles for each of my properties to be shared with employees. With this there are contracts and other items I would like to set reminders for, which reoccur each year.


  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Start Here: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/542913-using-reminders


    Keys to doing this are setup the user as a Shared or Contact List column.


    I also have Reminders that are sent a certain # of days after/before a date.

    Add a second column.  In this column have a formula that points to the original date column and adds/subtracts the # of days needed for the alert to occur.

    For example, = (Date1)-60.  

    If an alert is set up on this column to occur ON that date, it will be sent 60 days PRIOR to the Date 1 occuring.


    hope this helps.

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