Automating Prize Codes

Looking for SS Brain Trust for an Assist...

I have a list of prizes I am awarding to qualified sales:

1) A vault of prizes in one SmartSheet with very strict access - one code/URL for every row.

2) On another workspace and SS, the entries are made via a form for qualifying sales.

a. For example, if the sales order is for $200, they would receive 1 prize (1 row from the "vault" SS). If it is for $400, they would receive 2 prizes (2 URLs/codes/rows from the "vault"), and $600 for 3.

b. There is a column in the qualifying sales intake data that calculates the number of prizes.

Goal: Send automated notifications to the winning recipients with the qualifying prize(s) {external link to the prize/URL}.

Last time, I did an index/match in the "vault" and manually copied the URL/codes into Outlook - very time consuming for over 500 rows of data--there has got to be a "Smart"er way to do this.

The current sales contest is a 1 to 1 which made it easier to send automatic notifications from the intake data via an index/match connecting the prize/URL to the qualified sales, but I am perplexed how to do a "one-to-many" as I cannot share the "vault" of prizes/URLs to a broader group AND each sale could be a little as 1 or as great as 3.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
