Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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HH:MM calculation in Smartsheet

I need to do a time motion study of a process, so will use HH:MM format to get total time in minutes, I am finding it difficult in smartsheet, could you please help me how can I easily subtract Start time and finish time to get total time…

I searched on smartsheet community, on this link :

I got one formula : =VALUE([Start Hr]2@row) + (VALUE([Start Min]2@row) / 60)

But I am getting #unparseble error.


Best Answers

  • Community Champion
    edited 08/11/20 Answer ✓

    =(ROUNDDOWN([End Time]@row, 0) - ROUNDDOWN([Start Time]@row, 0)) * 60 + ([End Time]@row - ROUNDDOWN([End Time]@row, 0) - ([Start Time]@row - ROUNDDOWN([Start Time]@row, 0))) * 100

    Give this one a try to get your total minutes easier with less helper columns. Give me a bit and i'll write out the other formula to convert this into hours:minutes


  • Community Champion
    edited 08/11/20 Answer ✓

    =(ROUNDDOWN([End Time]@row, 0) - ROUNDDOWN([Start Time]@row, 0)) * 60 + ([End Time]@row - ROUNDDOWN([End Time]@row, 0) - ([Start Time]@row - ROUNDDOWN([Start Time]@row, 0))) * 100

    Give this one a try to get your total minutes easier with less helper columns. Give me a bit and i'll write out the other formula to convert this into hours:minutes

  • Community Champion

    =ROUNDDOWN([total time]@row / 60) + ":" + MOD([total time]@row, 60)

    This will convert it into the correct format. you can change the column to whichever you like

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Rahul

    In your formula:

    =VALUE([Start Hr]2@row) + (VALUE([Start Min]2@row) / 60)

    It's either VALUE([Start Hr]2) + (VALUE([Start Min]2) / 60)

    or VALUE([Start Hr]@row) + (VALUE([Start Min]@row) / 60)

    You can't have [Start Hr]2@row :)

  • ✭✭

    Hello, I made a timesheet and wage calculation table.

    The data is sent by employees using a form.

    I have a problem with the time calculation.🙄

    Here is the sheet.

    Below is what I don't understand and I don't know where the error is.

    I would be grateful if someone could check it. Thanks!

  • ✭✭

    Sorry, but I messed up the example in my previous post. It shows the end time incorrectly. Below is the corrected one.

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