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Selecting the Next Task

Monikka Mann
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

This is a bit of a weird question but I'm trying to figure out how to make SmartSheet inform me what my next milestone is for a project. 


Basically I have a series of projects (say 40 or so) that each have their own project schedules. In those schedules, some tasks are marked with a checkbox to indicate they are critical tasks/milestones. 


I've been asked to create a report that lists all the projects that have one of these critical tasks that is not complete. But what my end user wants to see is not all the tasks that have been checked, just the ones that are not complete and that are the next one coming up (next soonest one; for example if today is Feb 17th, and we have critcal tasks due to complete on 2/20, 3/1 and 4/15 the report will only return the one with an end date of 2/20). 


I hope someone has encountered the need for this before. If I can get SmartSheet to generate this, it would be great!



  • Brett Evans
    Brett Evans ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could sort the report to show the next one due first, i.e. the task due on 2/20.  You can't limit it to that selection without putting all the reports on one sheet.  Your report would select the critical milestones that are not complete.


    Getting all of the info to one sheet is possible via cell linking but would be alot of manual setup and maintenance since you have 40+ project sheets.



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