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Dropdown list creation from existing columns

Data Girl
Data Girl
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a database of our company standard operating procedures and I would like to have a webform which allows all of our staff to recommend a revision to a specific SOP.  I think I would like to create a dropdown list from an existing column, but it looks like I'd have to type them all in individually to create the list. Perhaps there is another solution altogether?


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/01/17

    hi "Data Girl" interesting handle? 

    If you have a list of titles for your SOPs there should be no problem listing them as a dropdown list, just line them up vertically, ideally in alpahbetical order then copy paste them into your dropdown. Then your team can select the SOP they believe needs improvement and tell you how they wish to improve it in narrative in the next box. 

    This sort of use of Smart Forms can work really well. 


    If you have a different element to this then let us know what it is?




  • Thank you, Richard! That is certainly simple enough.


    I've been datagirlx3 for about 20 years Laughing I audit agricultural science research so it seemed fitting.

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