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Expand All after applying filter doesn't work

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We have a sheet that has a primary column of parent categories with about 20 child tasks under each. The problem we are experiencing is when we filter by another column, the parent / primary column won't expand to show ALL of the child tasks. Below is an example of Program Name (primary column) expanded. I want to FILTER by Product Manager with Angie Geldrich as the Value. Here, the Program Name parent called "2016 Promo Journals" is expanded.


Ideally, we'd like to be able to see the child tasks under 2016 Promo Journals.  Are we filtering improperly or neglecting a step or is this a functionality issue?  Any help here would be tremendous.





  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Whether the parent is expanded or not, the filter stlll applies.

    In your second image, let us calll that "partially expanded". It is expanded but only shows certain rows because of the filter.


    The same results would be shown if you created a Report to show Angie's tasks - children won't be in the Report unless they meet the criteria.


    The parent/children grouping is not a collection of objects in and of itself.


    The workaround is to ensure the [Product Man.] column gets the value of its parent




    in the child rows will do that for you.


    Hope this helps.



  • bangddrum
    edited 03/06/17

    This is great. Yes, I completely see why my results weren't (and actually shouldn't) be appearing. The formula works great. Thanks again, Craig!


  • Hi,

    I'm having the same issue with my filter not showing the child dependencies from the parent.

    Are you saying there is only one work-around and that is to put that formula =PARENT() against all child rows? This is a bit cumbersome to have to add this to each row?

    Is there a plan to add a tick box in filter option that just 'includes' children rows like the 'include parent' rows? Seems like a simple fix that has been mentioned before on several threads I've read?

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