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Kanban: Delete Columns / Edit Column Values

cmsherer ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Can you delete some of the default fields in a Kanban if you are hoping to use it in a nontraditional way (e.g. assigned, size, etc.)


Addendum: not finding how to delete any fields actually, even those manually created.

Addendum #2: not finding any way to update column values after they've been created.  I'm striking out!


  • Gwyneth C
    Gwyneth C ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Great question! Happily, the Kanban sheet IS highly customizable. You'll need to have Owner or Admin permissions to do that though. It sounds like you created the sheet, which means you're the Owner—so you're good there.


    First, let's start with a couple of basics. Understanding what's going on will make it easier for you to customize the sheet and do what you want.


    The Lanes in Kanban (Card View) are associated with the values in a Dropdown column (Grid View). To see what I mean by that, click the Grid View button (under Views in the left toolbar) and see what the sheet looks like in that view. Then, right-click the column header you're interested in manipulating (Assigned To or Size in your example), and click Edit Column Properties. The values in the dropdown list correlate with the lanes that show up across the top of Card View.


    It sounds like your aim is to remove one of these columns entirely (i.e. so that Size is not an option in your sheet at all). To do this, remove the column in Grid View. For this example, you'd switch to Grid View, right-click the column header and click Delete Column.


    There's more information about working with Card View, including how to manipulate what shows up for the lanes, in the Help Center:




    I see that the article could use some work on how to delete a lane or an entire collection of lanes (your question). I'll submit an update request to our content team to get that fixed. 


    Hope this helps!








  • Thank you!  I was missing that views button.  That clears up so much!


    I actually had found that article but it  doesn't help once a columns is created in guiding you how to delete a field, modify its label, or change the list of drop-down values.

  • Gwyneth C
    Gwyneth C ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Great. So glad I could help. I'll see what we can do to make the Help content clearer. 

  • WendyC
    WendyC ✭✭

    Thank you Gwen - this was so helpful.  I know the answer would be easy but not that easy. 

This discussion has been closed.