Link Changes to a Calendar to a Request


I have an intake form that marketers fill out to request changes to promotions. We also track these changes through promotion calendars and expect marketers to updatethe promo calendar to reflect the change that is being requested through the form.

Is there a way that anyone can think of that would allow us tie changes made to these promotion calendars to requests that have been submitted? our goal is to track everything in one place so the back office teams that process these requests don't need to check multiple locations


  • Sean Morgan
    Sean Morgan Employee
    edited 02/05/21

    Hey @Taylor Riley !

    Depending on how your current solution is set-up, you could always create an additional Column, and assign each Marketer an ID number.

    Although this is an idea, here's what I created:

    First, I created a Sheet with all the Marketers, and gave them an ID:

    Then, in my main Sheet (where you would gather Form submissions), I used the following formula to look into the adjacent cell for the Marketer, and had it return it's associated ID:

    =INDEX({Marketer + ID Range 1}, MATCH(Marketer@row, {Marketer + ID Range 2}))

    This is just an idea, but please feel free to share screenshots of your current solution, and I'd be more than happy to help craft something that may be more fitting.

    As a side note, you could also change the "ID" column in the Submission Sheet to be a Column Formula, so that anytime submissions are added, it will automatically pull through an ID.

    For a breakdown of how INDEX/MATCH works, please see this post:

    Additionally, for more on Column Formulas, you may wish to review this article here:

    Let me know if you have any questions.

