Powerbi as source of data

Zenab Abbas
Zenab Abbas ✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

I've been trying to figure out the best way to pull data from Microsoft PowerBI (PBI) into my smartsheet. So far my process is: export the data from PBI into excel, save the file in OneDrive and use datauploader to pull data from the source excel into SS. This manual process is done weekly - export data and copy and paste it into the same file on my onedrive so the datauploader keeps working on the same file. Is there any better way to automate this? I know SS data can be pulled into PBI but the other way around?

Thought about linking the source data of the PBI report through datauploader however the source file is Hadoop (HDFS) and I don't believe this format is accepted by the Datauploader App....another option could be to use Power Query in excel to pull HDFS data into an excel file and that's my source but I'm relatively new to Power Query, so not sure its possible as an automation. Anyone done this? I am not able to change the source of PBI report or convert PBI data into SS due to company rules so the source has to be the HDFS file,



  • Chris Mondeau
    Chris Mondeau ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I've heard from some users that create a zap or power app that runs a scheduled email to send to a folderl; irrc that's the trigger action that kicks off the workflow to begin the syncing. You might be able to schedule an export from PBI to a cloud folder drive to mimic this.

  • Zenab Abbas

    thanks for the suggestion, i checked on this auto export but my PBI team said it wasnt possible to automate the export...:(