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Can I remove the 'login' link when sending a row by email

Kelvin Fowler
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We are using a smartsheet to create and sending accommodation quotations. If I send a row of data by email, the recipient gets a nice view of the data in a vertical format, but sees a 'login' link at the top of the email.


This is confusing for the recipient as they cannot login to the smartsheet account  - we do not want to grant them access to see the sheet or ro data.


is there a way to send a row of data and remoe the 'log in' link?


Thaks fr any suggestions


  • Hi Kelvin,


    There isn't a way to remove the Log In button from the emails but I've added your vote for this on our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    As a potential workaround, you might try seeing if you can have emails sent from a third party automation service, such as Zapier.

  • Yes please! This would help me SO much! I'd love to have the option of removing the "log in" button :):)

  • I think this feature would be very handy too. Removing the login button on specific reminders. The login button is fine for those who are sharing the sheet, otherwise the button doesn't do anything of value for non-shared users. I vote for this added feature too!

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