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New notifications great, but still missing..............

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

The option of when I "save as new" the new sheet doesn't copy over the notifications/reminders.


As I roll about 20 sheets over each month, it is time consuming to set up all of the notifications/reminders.


Please add.




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion
    edited 03/31/17

    +1  - I am having to do the same process... making copies of a sheet is making my life miserable as I have to recreate these notifications each time. I was personally notified that this feature is coming out in the next couple months. Too little too late. But good for other users who are using this process. 

  • We are working on this Ian!

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • Ian, Mike:


    As Kara mentioned, we're working on this. I'd love it if you drop me a mail about the process you're using these sheets in where this will be helpful. Some interesting things for me to know: 


    What is in the sheet, who is it used and by whom?


    What are all of the notifications, and who are the recipients to each?


    Who is the original sheet shared with and who is the destination sheet shared with?



    Scott Willeke | Smartsheet

    Senior Product Manager

    E: Scott.Willeke@Smartsheet.com



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion
This discussion has been closed.