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Display predecessor task NAME

Robin Rice
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We would like to write logic to display all predecessor task NAMES in a new column.  So we want the predecessor task ID to be in its usual column, and we want a NEW column that shows the NAMES of the predecessor tasks.


Anyone done anything like that?






  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Robin,

    There isn't a way to create this functionality with a formula or existing Smartsheet functionality, mostly due to Smartsheet not having a way for you to dynamically reference row numbers in a formula. 

    If you have development resources, you might consider utilizing our API to facilitate this. Our API documentation can be found here: https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/

    You're also welcome to submit your idea to our Product team using the Product Enhancement Request form in the Quick links section—let them know how you'd like to see this work in Smartsheet (a special column type, using a formula, etc.)

This discussion has been closed.