Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Repeating # formula

this is what i have - but not working

IF([row #]18, =1, "2", OR(IF([row #]18, =2, "3", OR(IF([row #]18, =3, "4", OR(IF([row #]18, =4, "5", OR(IF([row #]18, =5, "6", OR(IF([row #]18, =6, "7", OR(IF([row #]18, =7, "8", OR(IF([row #]18, =8, "9", OR(IF([row #]18, =9, "1",

i want if the row above is a 1, the next row to equal 2

but when it reaches 9 - to be assigned to 1

repeating 1-9 on each row - so when new items come in gets a

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