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Bucket sections according to status

I have a task list  for setting up a vendor.  Several teams will update the sheet when they have completed a step in our process. We want to make this as easy and simple as possible but what I would like is to put the Vendor Names sorted by Status and group them that way.  And when their status changes they move to the next grouping automatically.

for example.

Trademark Global is a new vendor.  And they are being set up as a vendor.  So their status=In Progress

Flat Rive Group is also a new vendor.  However they are On Hold for set up.  Their status is=On Hold

Martin Moving is also a new vendor.  They have completed Set up and so their status=Completed

I want to group the vendors according to where they are in the process of set up status.  So all the In Progress vendors are together, all the On Holds are together, etc.  But I want this to be done automatically according to their status.  So once a On Hold vendor changes status to In Progress, it would be grouped with the In Progress vendors.

How would I do this?


  • There isn't a way to have a continuous sort that will automatically sort new rows that enter the sheet. The sort will have to be re-applied as the sheet is updated.

    You could create a report for that sheet alone and sort it by status. That would automatically group the rows the way you are asking.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Taking Mitch's suggestion one step further, each Status could have its own Report.

    If using Sights, the Reports can be displayed in a Sight "by group"


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