Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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I want to use the below formula but instead of SUM IF I need to work out Average IF

=SUMIFS({Quality Checks Tracker FY21-22 Range 1},{Quality Checks Tracker FY21-22 Range 2}, [Primary Column]@row)

So i want to work out the average %% if the first column says "full Inspections" ect ect

I have the formula working with sumif on the first number column but now need to work out the average %%

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/19/21 Answer ✓

    @Sue van Niekerk

    If you like share me as an admin on a copy of your sheet after removing any sensitive data and I will check it for you. Because it's words on my sample sheet.

    My email:

    PMP Certified

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