How can i use symbols of 4 different colors for the following scenarios?

marcusben ✭✭
edited 09/23/21 in Formulas and Functions

could you help me please?

There are 2 parts;

part 1; contract notice period,

part 2; contract expiry time

for part1;

If the day remaining until the notice of termination is over 60 days; Green

If it is between 60 - 15 days; blue

If between 15 and the termination notice period;


If the notice period for termination has passed; Red

and for part2;

if the days remaining until the end of the contract is over 60 days; Green

If it is between 60 and 30 days; blue

If it is between 30 and 0 days; yellow

if the contract is delayed; Red

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