What’s the best method to add new automated workflows to existing projects?

Is there a way to use Global Updates to add automation rules to active projects?

We are under an enterprise plan with control center

I want to add several new automation rules to all active projects (200+)

I do not want to do this manually for every active project.

Any recommended options would be appreciated.

Example Use cases:

  • When @ row % complete = 100%, set value in a different column “Z” (same row) to “X”  
  • When @row column “Z” = “x”, change the “assigned to” column to “Some Name”
  • When @row column “assigned to” = “some Name” & column “Z” = “X”, then alert the following.
  • When column “Z” changes to “X”, alert the following.
  • Create a new report that displays the above and pulls in all active projects.


Best Answer

  • BO'Neil
    BO'Neil ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Genevieve,

    Thank you for taking time to respond to my question and for the recommended next steps.

    I have already updated my blueprint with the needed changes for future projects. I'll craft an enhancement request for the product teams review and consideration.

    Best Regards,



  • Hi @BO'Neil

    There currently isn't a way to update previously provisioned sheets with a new automation using Global Updates in Control Center. Please let the Product team know about your feedback by filling in this form, here! (See Smartsheet Control Center: Make Global Updates to Your Projects for a list of the current types of Global Updates you can configure.)

    You can update your Blueprint to include these automations and a new Report so that every future project contains these details, but this will not update any previously provisioned projects.

    If you're eligible on your plan to book Pro Desk sessions, I would recommend setting up one session (under the Control Center category) so you can update your Blueprint over a screen share and receive guidance. You can check for available times from this page: https://www.smartsheet.com/pro-desk



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  • BO'Neil
    BO'Neil ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Genevieve,

    Thank you for taking time to respond to my question and for the recommended next steps.

    I have already updated my blueprint with the needed changes for future projects. I'll craft an enhancement request for the product teams review and consideration.

    Best Regards,
