Tracking my own projects

Hello! I am new to Smartsheet and looking for some guidance.

We have a master Intake sheet that gathers information submitted by our users via an Intake form. There are three of us using this sheet so, depending on the rotation, after an intake comes in -- we will assign ourselves as Project Sponsor.

We then "Save as New" a template folder of sheets. Within these sheets, we do detailed project schedule tracking. One sheet in particular is the "Project Plan" which serves as a checklist of sorts of all items that need to be completed for the project.

I was able to create a report based on the Intake Sheet that I have filtered to myself that shows the general information of the projects I am assigned to.

What I'm hoping to accomplish is -- A more detailed sheet/report/any tool that lists my projects and the status for each item in the Project Plan sheet.

Is this possible? My issue is that we create a new folder / sheet for each new project and the reports seem to require me to select which sheets to pull from -- which would mean I need to manually add each Project Plan sheet?

Wondering if there is a way to automate this so I can always just pop into a list of my projects and see my open items? Ideally it would have the Project Name as the vertical categories, then each item in the Project Plan as the horizontal categories & the content would pull the status (on hold, in progress, complete) from the Project Plan.
