Automatically Log On using Microsoft (bypass the logon screen)?

Every time I open a sheet in a new bowser (I use a shortcut in Chrome), I'm presented with the login screen. Is there a way to craft the link so that it automatically authenticates using Microsoft (bypass that screen)?


  • hollyconradsmith
    hollyconradsmith ✭✭✭✭

    Hi There @JeffMc ,

    Your Admin/IT team can set up single sign on for your org if you have an enterprise Smartsheet account:

    Holly Conrad Smith

    Director of Technology & Innovation 💡 at Streamline

    CliftonStrengths Top 5: Deliberative, Restorative, Achiever, Consistency, Harmony

  • JeffMc
    JeffMc ✭✭

    Thanks, we actually are using SSO with Microsoft Azure/365, but it still prompts me to click the Microsoft button when I open a sheet. I would like to not see that screen and click Microsoft, rather, have it automatically log me in using SSO.

  • JeffMc
    JeffMc ✭✭

    I'm taking the lack of responses to mean that this it is not currently possible to inform the authentication process to use a specific provider when opening a smartsheet.

    IMO, this would be a useful feature, and would save clicks and time when opening sheets.


  • Jeff,

    I raised the same question with support, and they sent me an email saying this is by design and they even referenced your feature request as the answer, which I find funny since they never answered you. I have a ton of SSO applications in Azure AD and almost all of them log directly in and do not require the redundant step of clicking on another screen (and selecting Your Company Account). I hope that they can fix this for us SAML users, since this adds confusion to the users when they are prompted for another verification.

    Smartsheet, please fix ASAP!
