Enhancement request Update??


I've seen in the chain of comments since 2018 this request has not been fulfilled.

Have any updates been made if not, can you please provide a firm date of when to expect this feature to become available.




  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hello @Samer

    Due to the large number of variables Smartsheet Product team has to consider when choosing what to develop next, we can't confirm an ETA or when a functionality/feature will be built.

    We typically communicate about new or improved features once they've been released. Depending on the nature of the changes, we announce through email, in-product messaging, or via announcements on the Smartsheet Community.

    At any time, you can see a list of past updates in our Release Notes on the Smartsheet website. If you'd like to help us further improve Smartsheet with ideas on how Smartsheet could be better, or have other users vote for this functionality, you may submit a form.

    Kind regards,


  • Samer
    Samer ✭✭

    Thanks for the response.

    It would be better if you showed all the enhancement requests you have in progress with estimated timelines of delivery. please tell your team about this.



  • LPelser
    LPelser ✭✭✭

    @Krissia B. Where can we see a roadmap of upcoming enhancements? I am specifically looking for information on Cross Project Dependencies

  • Hi @LPelser

    The Product Ideas topic here in the Community is a place where you can create Ideas and up-vote other member ideas and suggestions for how to make the Smartsheet product better. The top-voted requests are reviewed by the Product team and they provide a status update on those posts.

    You can also subscribe to the  Release Notes page to receive notifications when there are new releases!



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