Free Users Permissions on a Pro Account

I have a Pro account and I have shared a sheet with an unlicensed / free user.

Whilst I have given them editor - cannot share permissions, they can only view the sheet.

Do you need a licence on a pro account in order to edit cells, add attachments and comments to rows?


  • Hi @Dee.M

    Yes, you are correct: in a Pro Plan, collaborators will need a license on your account in order to edit a sheet.

    Here's an article that goes through this in more detail: Sharing and widgets in the Pro plan



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  • Hi Genevieve,

    I have similar issue as Dee.M.

    Could you explain me what it the reason to have a pro-plan if each ediot need to have additional licence?

    In the desciption of PRO-Account is writen - "Max of 10 users".

    What these 10 users are able to do? As for now I see no diference between PRO and FREE account.

    I have just one simple sheet that I want to share with my co-workers and paying for each person (5-6) have no sense. (7x6euro =42 euro).

    I would be thankful for your reply.

  • Hi @Kamil_Mazur

    Pro plan accounts are a great way to get started in Smartsheet and use the platform as an individual, or with a small number of internal collaborators. The 10 users you referenced are the maximum of 10 licensed users that you can set up in your Pro Plan. Keep in mind that you can share your sheet with Viewer permissions to anyone, but if you need those co-workers to edit content then they'll need a license in your plan as well.

    Business and Enterprise plans are the plans best suited for multi-user collaboration. They have unlimited number of collaborators on sheets and enable both free members and licensed users on different plans to edit content.

    The Pricing Page has a break down of the benefits of all plan types (under the button "Complete Features List"), including the difference between the Free plan and Pro plan, as well as Business and Enterprise:



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  • Kamil_Mazur
    edited 01/29/24

    Thank you for your response.

    However in such a case Smartsheet is to expensive just for one small project.