How can I change the priority automatically based on a due date


Hi all,

I have multiple rows of materials that need to be released before the due date, I have categorized them in Critical priority, Priority 1, 2, and Regular. Is there a way that smartsheet will automatically change the priority based on the due date entered if my team has not yet addressed the row?


  • Jon Mark H
    Jon Mark H ✭✭✭✭✭


    Yes - you can do an automation workflow to take care of that for you:

    What is the priority level based on - is it just the amount of time it's input in the form before the due date?

    If so - it's not too difficult:

    Create a new workflow-

    Make it run ONLY when rows are added (you can do Added or changed, but I recommend only added)

    Set the first condition to look @ where Priority is blank

    Your first condition must be for the SHORTEST date - as shown below displaying if the date is Today

    Then on the + ABOVE your first Date Condition - click "Add a condition Path" to get the next branch, as you see above - do the next date range (i.e. "in the next (days) 7, as above)

    Continue on & have your final one be your furthest out.

    Does that solve your problem, or is there more to it? Let me know!

    -Jon Mark

  • SIS
    SIS ✭✭

    Thank you so much, Jon. I just created the way you showed it here. But I'm not being able to run this automation for my existing data to check. Is there any way to run this automation on existing data?

  • Jon Mark H
    Jon Mark H ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes - first you can select "when rows are added OR changed" - and then change something in all existing rows to make it run.

    I would make a new column with a simple checkbox, check the first box & copy that down to the bottom of the sheet & save.

    Then in a moment it should run the automation and update any rows which have a blank Priority.

    Let me know if that fixes the issue with the existing data!

  • SIS
    SIS ✭✭

    Thanks, Jon so much for your reply. How do I address the ones already in priority 3 and need to be updated to priority 2 or 1 or critical?

  • Jon Mark H
    Jon Mark H ✭✭✭✭✭

    You would just change the condition - from being if Priority is Blank - to no condition - if you want literally everything to be updated.

    Also if you so desire - you could schedule it to have this workflow run weekly or even daily to update all priorities - if you would want that I could demonstrate that as well!

  • Joy Klauder

    Hi Jon,

    Ran into this same issue here and your instructions were super helpful. Could you let me know how to run the workflow daily to update priorities even if nothing in the row has been changed? Thanks in advance.

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