Copy Paste Function Issue

I am unable to utilize the copy & paste (ctrl + v) function in sheet. I am up to date on Google Chrome version (101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (64-bit). Were changes made in Smartsheet where this function can no longer be utilized? This scenario seems to be a sporadic ongoing issue since 2020.


  • Hi @Efrem Tejeda

    Is it possible you're looking to paste into cells that cannot be pasted into? For example, a System Column or a Locked column in a sheet where you have Editor permissions.

    It would be helpful to see a screen capture of the sheet you're copying from and a screen capture of where you're trying to Paste (with a description of what happens when you try), but please block out sensitive data.



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  • I provided a video to W.C. with Smartsheet Business Support. Waiting on their response back from him. We are aware that we can not copy-paste in system columns or locked columns. We have always used the copy-paste method for at least the last 4 years and never had an issue. I was told by one of your reps that this may be an engineering or coding issue. Is it possible that Smartsheet made an update that may have caused an issue with utilizing the copy-paste? We also attempted to import data from a SMartsheet to SMartsheet and had no success.

  • Hi @Efrem Tejeda

    I am not aware of any updates that affected the copy/paste functionality in Smartsheet, and in testing I am able to use this without an issue.

    If you were able to perform this action recently and the behaviour suddenly changed, working directly with Support, as you're doing, will be the best way to proceed.

    You'll be able to share more details with them in a private channel, such as what browser you're using, if you have any browser extensions, and the screen recording you mentioned. Please keep following-up with Support and they'll be able to troubleshoot this further with you.



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