Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Ability to force users to refresh sheets w/o allowing them to save

When an admin accidentally changes the order of rows or hides columns on a sheet, they need the ability to fix this and force everyone that has the sheet open to refresh their screens w/o allowing them to save. Allowing them the ability to save after an admin reorders rows or unhide columns causes the bad reorder and hidden rows to be resaved which affects the view for all other users.

3 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • Overachievers

    Great idea but if someone has done a ton of work and they can't save their data because an admin changed a column order would lead to a lot of frustration. Instead Smartsheet should look at the most recent updated row and column changes and save that, just like it does with data. I agree this is a very annoying problem that should be resolved.

  • @Samuel Mueller agree with you 100%. We should not have to force our user community in such a manner. However, I would take that as an alternate plan and, if I had to leverage it, I would give them advanced notice before forcing them out. Fingers crossed that this gets attention.

  • SmartSheet Team,

    I attempted to create a report as someone has recommended. However, the 900+ users need to be able to filter by columns. Reports do not allow the teams to filter. This is a huge issue for us now as the 117 columns and 2500+ row ordering is extremely messed up and there is no way of getting them into a good order.

    We really need your help!😓

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Scott Maselli , I've had this issue in the past as well and had asked Smartsheet to automatically log users out after a certain amount of inactivity. This way when I hide/ move columns at night (at a time where users are not using their sheets) they will not override my changes when they use it the next morning.

    Smartsheet said they would look into doing this but I have not heard back if this was indeed implemented ..( it seems that it may have because when I come in the morning after I had left Smartsheet open the night before - I had to refresh in order to use)

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