Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Report Names, Dashboard Titles and Widget Names with non-static strings

The name of reports, dashboards and widgets are limited to static strings, so the user will only know the name of the report and not what information is in the report.

Example: The External Appeals Report title cannot be automatically updated to Q1 2022 External Appeals Report. Having automated strings based on the report, dashboard or widget's timeframe would reduce the need for manual edits every week, month, quarter or year based on the timeframe.

1 votes

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    Reading a report content is possible through the API but updating it such as changing the report name isn't possible through the API.

    On the other side renaming a dashboard is possble through the API, but reading a dashboard ocntent isn't.

    So for both topis the request ins't possible using the API.

    On top of that guessing the business rule that defines the name of the report of dashbaord is hardly possible.

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