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Can I add a formula to a drop down list cell?

Kyle Sullivan
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I currently have drop down list that contains, "Not Started", "In Progress", and "Complete". What I would like to do is add a formula that automatically changes the drop down list from "Not Started" to "In Progress" if the Duration cell has been changed from 0% to anything non-zero. 

Is it possible to add a formula to a drop down list cell?


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion
    edited 05/17/17

    You can add a formula to a dropdown cell... HOWEVER, if you use that in a report that you expect someone to adjust, be aware that fields with formulas cannot be adjusted in reports.

    To test this, create a new drop-down column and place your formula in it... =IF[Duration]3<0,"In Progress", "Not Started"

    (assuming you are using this in row 3)

    View your report, make sure that new dropdown column is added and try to change the dropdown in the report - you will not have access to change the field. Formulas lock it down. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    A few points:

    1. You are using the standard Duration column, the value should not be in percentage. You may be thinking of the [% Complete] column.

    2. Mike alludes to the concept that if you are using a formula, you can not allow/expect the users to update the column directly. To that end, having a formula looking at (what I believe to be) the [% Complete] column is a good start, but you must make sure you account for all the status' that you wish.

    3. Lastly, because the column is being updated via a formula, making it a drop-down type column is redundant and not needed UNLESS you using the same column in a different sheet that is updated manually and you want to see both columns (as one) on the same report(s).

    All that said, this is the formula I would recommend:

    =IF([% Complete]23 = 1, "Compete", IF([% Complete]23 = 0, "Not Started", "In Progress"))

    Last note: =1 is used here because a cell formatted as percentage is 1=100%

    I hope this helps.



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