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Resource Management across two companies

Faye Rhodes
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We have a parent company that shares a sheet with one of the departments within our business.

We have a staff holiday planner to provide ourselves with resource management. Is their a way that this can be fed back to our parent company?

Many thanks


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Faye

    Yes you can. In the Smartsheet account that wishes to view the Resources of both companies, you need to add the other companies user email addresses who you wish to track. They do not need licenses, just be listed in your Users section NOT contacts. Plus you can do it the other way round so each company sees the full picture if that helps? 

    If one company manages all the holidays,  then share a Smartform to request holiday time off for both company employees then the request can be approved or negotiated and that sheet can record how much time off each person has left to draw down? 

    Hope that answers your question but happy to discuss if you need more, let me know? I can see you are in our time zone. 


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