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In-House QR Code Generator

manley85am Overachievers Alumni

I've already shared this idea with the development team and they liked the idea, but I'm curious to see how the community would receive this as well. There seems to be more and more users in the Smartsheet community that are using QR codes with forms. It's not a difficult process with so many free or paid QR code generators out there. However, with the wide use and adoption of QR codes and Smartsheet Forms, it makes me wonder why hasn't Smartsheet built an in-house QR code generator? It makes sense that there could be a QR code toggle in the settings of the Form and once turned on it would show the user a QR code specific to that Form that they can then share, or post on the dashboard. Down the road I could see them incorporating more and more options into this such as custom design settings, Smartsheet or Company logos, or various colors for Company branding. Plus there is more options around security and keeping the QR code generation in-house that seems to be a benefit to both Smartsheet and it's users. Plus there's that nice added benefit that the user doesn't have to leave the system to finish providing a clean and simple solution.

Anyway, curious your thoughts.🤩

6 votes

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  • Lindsay Whitbread
    Lindsay Whitbread ✭✭✭✭✭


    We've had a lot of customers who have wanted solutions built in Smartsheet that included QR codes being generated.

    For times when you just need a small number of different QR codes, then it's nice and easy to just use one of the many free QR code generators online, however, for larger volumes of QR codes, that doesn't really work because you need something that's automatic.

    The team I work with has built an addon for Smartsheet that automatically generates QR codes and puts them into your sheet for you. The addon is available for Smartsheet customers and is really easy to setup and use. This makes it possible to include a QR code in a dashboard or a report, or to have QR codes available to take people to Smartsheet forms or even other websites.

    It's fun to save a sheet and see the QR code pop into the sheet within a few seconds!

    If you're interested in our QR code addon, there is a small amount of information available on our web site, but to get more information just get in touch via email.



    Smartsheet Lead @ InfoSpark

    Asia Pacific Smartsheet Partner of the Year (2023)

    Platinum Smartsheet Partner |

  • MaaikMeijerink
    MaaikMeijerink ✭✭✭✭

    hi @Aaron Manley ,

    yes, we have had the same questions about generating QR codes and even important: keeping them updated with changing content: our dev team has come up with a simple suggestion: why not make use of a ‘simple’ formula =QR(….) or an equivalent for a datamatrix =DATAMATRIX(….) or even barcode =BARCODE(….). Check out to see if this is a solution for you.

    grtz, Maaik