User Provisioning with AD


A couple of questions about the Active Directory integration. We are working on getting our Smartsheet integrated with Azure AD for SSO and SCIM User Provisioning.

1) We'd like to issue non-licensed accounts to everyone on our domain who isn't already issued a license - will current licensed users experience any interruption?

2) When users are provisioned a free account, do they receive an email from Smartsheet? Or are they only provisioned when they try to log in for the first time? I am trying to determine if communication will be needed prior to the set up of provisioning.

3) Will auto provisioning with Azure AD enable me to select from all of the email addresses in our domain in Contact List columns? If not, what is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you!


  • Joe Goetschel
    Joe Goetschel ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I don't have all the answers but I can share how I have it setup!

    1. Current Users will not be interrupted. You need to go to users and import them in with the template provided. The good news is the system knows if they already exist and if they do, it ignores them. So you can import a master list.
    2. If you do step 1, they are already provisioned, If not they will be provisioned once they log in for the first time. They are added based on your settings, We set it to be unlicensed on add.
    3. No. The only way I was told (Could have changed) Azure to Smartsheet is really SSO, after that, you don't gain anything for user groups, Contacts, phone numbers, titles etc (I keep hoping this is coming)

    At engage, I spoke a lot to the labs related to the Admin center. we need MUCH more than we have available today.

    NOW, I hope this helped, and if anyone has additional info on things that changed please let us know!

    Joe Goetschel | Smartsheet Director | SCS CLOUD - Smartsheet Partner

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