General Announcements

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May Feature Release

edited 05/31/17 in General Announcements

Our new release includes features to help you define what kinds of information can be inserted in your sheets.

Let’s take a look at these new features:

Data Validation: Allow Only Specific Values in a Column

Use this feature, for example, to prevent collaborators from entering free text in a Dropdown column and make sure that only dropdown list options can be selected. 

See Control Data Entry and Allow Only Specific Values in a Column for more information.

Select Contacts in Web Forms

You can now ensure that the correct contacts are entered in your sheets via web forms by defining preferred contacts. If someone with Admin sharing permissions on the sheet defines preferred values in the Contact column, those contact values will appear in the web form in a pick list.

More information on working with Contact columns, including creating preferred contacts, can be found in the Assigning People to a Task article.

For More Information...

An overview of new features, plus a list of bugs fixed in this release, will be publicly available later this week on our Release Notes site:

You can try out these new features in Smartsheet today!

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