Combining SUM and RIGHT


How may I find the SUM of multiple columns by using the SUM function and RIGHT function? I am collecting the data via a Smartsheet form and will need to email out the call center representative's score to their managers. I am getting #UNPARSEABLE as the result. Can someone help correct me?

A1, Customer satisfactionQ1: "Yes, 5"

B1, Customer satisfactionQ2: "Yes, 7"

C1, Customer satisfactionQ3: "Yes, 13"

D1, Customer satisfactionQ4: "No, 0"


=SUM(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ1]@row, 2),(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ2]@row, 2),(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ3]@row, 2)(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ3]@row, 2),(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ4]@row, 2)

Best Answer

  • Kevin_smartsheet
    Answer ✓

    I found the answer!

    I was missing VALUE. I also had to even up the digits to 2 digit answers on the form (5 changed to 05, 0 changed to 00)

    =SUM(VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ1]@row, 2))) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ2]@row, 2))) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ3]@row, 2))) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ4]@row, 2)


  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green Community Champion

    You are missing a comma after the ) for Q3 the first time you have it listed. You also have Q3 in your formula twice.

  • Thank you, though after correcting, I am still getting the message "#UNPARSEABLE"

    =SUM(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ1]@row, 2),(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ2]@row, 2),(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ3]@row, 2),(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ4]@row, 2)

    If I use =(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ1]@row, 2)) then I receive the correct answer of 5.

    If I use =SUM(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ1]@row, 2)) then I receive 0.

    How can I use SUM and RIGHT together?

  • Kevin_smartsheet
    Answer ✓

    I found the answer!

    I was missing VALUE. I also had to even up the digits to 2 digit answers on the form (5 changed to 05, 0 changed to 00)

    =SUM(VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ1]@row, 2))) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ2]@row, 2))) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ3]@row, 2))) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Customer satisfactionQ4]@row, 2)

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