Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Automatically update all resources through Resource Management panel

As of now the user has to manually click "Update All" in the Resource Management panel to submit their changes to Resource Management which leaves a lot of room for error. When you have a large team working with 10-20 Smartsheets, there is bound to be times when a user forgets to hit "Update All". If your HR team is depending on Resource Management to have the most up to date information about the resources, you can not be questioning if the dates are synced between the two systems. It would be nice to have an option that when you save a Smartsheet all resource changes are automatically updated in the Resource Management panel, which in turn updates Resource Management. By adding a feature that allows resource changes to be pushed to Resource Management upon saving the Smartsheet (or via a workflow), the connection between Resource Management and Smartsheet would be more reliable.

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