I've got a Report View that simplifies what columns & rows are displayed out of the full sheet so that a user can input data on a weekly basis. We recently are facing a scenario where we need to sum up multiple values into a single cell. Although the math isn't 'hard' it is more efficient to simply type in i.e., '=123+456' and let Smartsheet calculate and display '579'.
As a Smartsheet Report User, I want to be able to enter single formulas into cells, in order to perform quick calculations within the sheet.
Is there any way to enter a Formula into a Report Cell? — Smartsheet Community
currently there is no way to update formula directly in report or add any new column. suggest to open those area in report just like update in raw database.
It would be great to add a simple formula in a report. I have successfully meshed several sheets together to make them visually appealing with all necessary information, but I cannot SUM any columns/ cells (ex: cash Inflow/ Outflow) on the report itself. I realize I can create a rollup sheet and pull that in, but seems like unnecessary extra work & sheets that shouldn't be needed.
Please please please allow us to enter = 5+10 into a cell in report view. I see no reason why this should function the way it currently does by converting it into text.