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Is there a way to remove someone from Resource View without removing them from a project?

Angie Hatfield
Angie Hatfield ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Unfortunately people come and go. They are assigned tasks, work on projects, etc and then if they leave, they need to be removed from the Resource View. Reassigning future tasks is acceptable, but we need the history and want to keep them listed on completed tasks.


Is there a way to do this?


I would rather not have to create a new view, but rather work with the default view. Working with the default view means that everyone has the same view and I don't have to go around and help everyone update if someone leaves or if there is someone new.


Thank you


  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Angie--


    If the users have left your company, one option would be to remove them from your Team account entirely by deleting them as users in User Management--any SysAdmin can do this. This will stop them from appearing in Resource Views, since only members of your Team appear in Resource Views, even if they're still assigned to tasks on sheets. The "assigned to" data in your won't change, regardless of whether or not users are added or deleted from the team. 


    Hope this helps!

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