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Feature Request - Combine row with discussion in notifications

Brad Jones
Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Could not find this in the forum.  Hope it's not a reapeat.


So, we use SS to track multi-room multi-year projects with 10-15 people reporting on a site per day.  As each person may work on several rows that day, there will be changes to the rows and changes to the discussions.  Then, when the daily report comes out and you go to read it, you have to look at the rows all at the top, then the attachments in the middle, and then the discussions at the bottom.  This is really not a great way for people to consume the data because it splits up the information regarding a row into 3 places.  This makes it very tedious for the person reading the report to have to go up and down over and over as they try to visually correlate the information in the rows with the information in the discussion threads.


What would be nice is the ability to choose whether you want to have the existing format (which some people may prefer) or to have a collated notification report.  (working almost like a succession of send rows, but for all the rows that changed)


Existing model: (segregated by change type - why?)


Row7 new data

Row52 new data

Row 163 new data

Row 24 new data  (yeah, I'm not sure why it doesn't always put the row data in numeric order.



Row 7 attach 1

Row 7 attach 1

Row 52 attach 1

Row 24 attach 1



Row 7 discussion comments

Row 7 discussion comments

Row 7 discussion comments

Row 52 discussion comments

Row 52 discussion comments

Row 163 discussion comments

Row 24 discussion comments

Row 24 discussion comments


Proposed model: Grouped by changes made per row - easier to read


Row7 new data

Row 7 attach 1

Row 7 attach 1

Row 7 discussion comments

Row 7 discussion comments

Row 7 discussion comments


Row 24 new data  (back in order)

Row 24 attach 1

Row 24 discussion comments

Row 24 discussion comments


Row52 new data

Row 52 attach 1

Row 52 discussion comments

Row 52 discussion comments


Row 163 new data

Row 163 discussion comments


When my PMs read about the changes to their sheets, they want to be able to see all of the changes to that row before they move on to the next row.  They/we don't want to jump between row data, attachments, and discussions before understanding all the changes to the current row being reviewed.



  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 07/25/16

    Hi Brad-- APologies for the delay in my response to this! This is a great suggestion and I've passed your feedback and a link to this post on to the PM working on our Notifications improvement project. Thanks!

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Please add my vote too.



  • Kennedy Stomps

    I have added your vote, Craig!

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/26/16

    Now we have the comments in order, yay!  Thanks for the latest bug fix.


    Really want to have this feature in place, because I rely on the local team managers to do a reality check between what people say in their comments and what they put into the row fields.  (example.  Someone says that they have a problem with the test they're running, but they don't put a note in the "problem" column to describe the problem.  This would be soooo much easier if the row, and the comments, were grouped.

This discussion has been closed.