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Number of rows


At the moment Smartsheet supports 5000 rows of information, my excel stands at over 9000. Is there a time frame on when the limit of rows will be extended? Also, my need for rows will only increase so what is likely to be the increase?

Without this extension in rows I am not able to use Smartsheet, great shame as it would have solved my sharing problems.




  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hello David—as Smartsheet is a browser based cloud app, we don't increase the 5000 row limitation to ensure the stability of the application.


    I'll definitely pass your feedback along to our Product team for further review. In the meantime, you may need to consider splitting your excel workbook up into multiple files, and then importing those files as separate sheets.

  • David Tarrington-Hodgson
    edited 09/27/16

    I wish I could split data over multiple files, however that would make sorting / filtering / look-ups by information in the columns imposible i.e. id I have 1200 films listed and out of those 1200 I want to find a specific director (which is listed in a column) I would have to do the search over 3 files, narrowing down that directors use of an actor would then require another 3 searches... all this can be done in 2 filter in Excel, it would take 6 on Smartsheet.

    Such a shame there is this limitation, hopefully in the future the application can be stablized enough to increase the limit, until then Excel and email :(

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Not every great tool is the right tool for the job.


    Excel is not cloud based, the restrictions are different.


    Google Docs sheets have limits similar to Smartsheet, though the limit on rows is not set, it is determined by how many columns you have (limit is # of cells).


    I can easily cause Smartsheet to go unstable and not anywhere close to the limits of cells, formulas, links, rows or columns, so am very pleased they want to deliver a product that satisfies the majority of needs, not all of them.


    Have you considered a system using Excel and Smartsheet together?

    Let each do what they excel (no pun intended) at.




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