Smartsheet - Salesforce Connector



In Smartsheet, I have a project intake sheet with many columns of data related to each project. I have set up a workflow in the Smartsheet-Salesforce connector that routinely syncs over relevant data from Smartsheet to Salesforce opportunities and vice-versa. 


I am having trouble syncing over the column that has the project folder hyperlink from Smartsheet to the relevant Salesforce field. The Salesforce field is the URL field type. Is there some constraint wherein we are not able to push URL data from Smartsheet to Salesforce?

Additional Info:

See attached image of hypothetical project. The 'Project Folder Link' column is a hyperlink and syncs over to the appropriate Salesforce field but only pushes text; not the actual URL. 

2019-07-24 15_56_14-Benefits Intake Sheet - SFDC - 2019 - Smartsheet.jpg


  • Alejandra
    Alejandra Employee


    Thank you for working with our Support team on this! Our Support team mentioned that the Project Folder Link is automatically populated in the intake sheet which means that how the cell contents are created (such as URL instead of hyperlink) isn't currently editable.

    They suggested creating a new column in the intake sheet and manually adding the Project Folder URLs to this column instead. This would avoid changing any sheets, reports or dashboards that use the Project Folder Link field but still allow the URL to be targeted by the Salesforce Data Connector.