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Automatic sorting



  • Hello Smartsheet, I am adding my vote to the "auto sorting/saved sort" requests above. Please prioritize some version of this. Like others, I have found a low adoption rate for custom reports because it's one more tool/URL to which employees have to pivot. When security risks are low, a single shared Smartsheet works best. Within that shared Smartsheet, filters are very useful, but they don't address the sorting problem. - Matt

  • Community Champion

    Hi Matt,

    Please submit an Enhancement Request when you have a moment to have your vote added

    A New Way to Submit Your Feature Requests

    To make your Enhancement / Feature Request count, send in the form above because there isn’t a guarantee, it will be registered otherwise.

    Original Post:

    Hope that helps!

    Have a fantastic day!


    Andrée Starå

    Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD



    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • One year later >> is there anything implemented that allows me to do that?


    I've a "Todo - Sorting" column, calcualted from various values - i want the highest value to be on top; needs resorting at least "once a day".

    Filter off, resort, filter on - each time forced to reconfigure the resorting is exhausting.

  • I'm also finding this very annoying, especially since you can't sort when you have a filter on.

    I'm using Smartsheet for a simple Open Items list with Priority and Due Date columns. We are frequently adding new Open Items and needing to re-sort by the Priority, then Due Date columns. I have placed both columns next to each other so I can easily highlight them, right-click, then sort. But my default filter is set to only show uncompleted items. So I have to turn the filter off, re-sort, then turn the filter back on. It's really tedious.

    Personally, I don't need an automatic sort. I'd be happy with a button on the sheet that allowed me to re-sort with the click of the button. It would need to work even with a filter turned on.

  • Community Champion

    Hi Tim,

    As a possible workaround, you could use reports instead. (As mentioned earlier in the thread, but I don't know if you're aware or seen it)

    Also, Please submit an Enhancement Request when you have a moment to have your vote added to add the feature to the sheets.

    Would that work?

    I hope that helps!

    Have a fantastic week!


    Andrée Starå

    Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • I agree with several others here. Yes, we can create (yet) another report, but sometimes we'd like to keep things simple.

    I have a sheet that priority ranks tasks based on progress and importance - so the priority ranks change all the time as people make progress and time marches on. I can and do get personalised reports to sort and filter for users, but it shouldn't be too hard to enable the sheet itself to always be sorted by task priority number or whatever column you wish?

    Even better would be to be able to have the facility to combine prioritisation options in the filters users can create. That would enable quick transfer between different views of the same information. e.g. 'Just the current user's tasks by priority order', then 'All tasks classified 'Critical' by due date', then 'Tasks for a team by progress ahead or behind target'. Yes, this begins to look a lot like the functionality provided by reports, but these examples would require three reports (each with their own security/sharing settings) as well as the base sheet and I don't always want multiple reports to look after. The functionality is all in the Sheet, I just want it to be quicker to get to.

  • One of the beautiful things about a SAS application is being able to have multiple people updating the information simultaneously.

    The frustration has been pointed out here MANY times... As updates are made or a sheet is reopened you have to manually redo the sort which just seems archaic.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE create a DEFAULT SORT option like you have a DEFAULT FILTER option in sheet sharing.

    Thanks, Michael

  • Really quite surprised this is not an option from the get go. I actually could have sworn I saw one of the your smart sheet integrator doing it in our Webinar unfortunately I only could only hold half of my attention at that time and didn't get the recorded video to confirm.

    To my point not being able to do this is quite crippling for simple functionality. reports are powerful and useful but are limiting even if they are "live".

    Curious if anyone has come to resolve with this missing feature?

    I have one idea, which would create more sheets, would be to use the automate feature and have the dire need objectives get copied to a need to complete today/week sheet. the only other issue is the lack of 'linked cells' so if you made a change on that today/week sheet it would not auto-update the same info on the parent sheet as I understand it. I could also see using the same automate tool though to create an automatic update on the parent sheet. none of this is tested but just a thought. if I get around to doing it I'll try to update here on my findings. If someone does give it a shot I would like to hear about what they did and any issues they ran into.

    Thanks for everyone's time reading this!

  • I was searching for a way to auto sort rows while we like to keep our task list simple. I came across this thread and I have a hard time to understand.

    First thread two years ago

    Several pleases

    To quote Chris Jameson 10/14/18

    "Automatic sort function would be a game changer! I can imagine all businesses would benefit from this function.Please implement asap!"

    It would be a beautiful way to improve Smartsheets, but no action taken. I don't have the illusion that a comment and a vote on my part will make a big difference, but you should always try!

  • For Auto sort, I realize there are some complications, but it could be set up as an automation, to periodically (every x hours or days) to re-sort a sheet based on specific columns.

  • I would like this functionality as well. When using VLOOKUP, formula searched from top to bottom. Since I use Smartsheet for a ticketing system, using VLOOKUP to pull data from a ticket archive will return only the oldest instance of the ticket, since the newest ticket appear on the bottom of the sheet when using MOVE ROW workflow.

    Another possible upgrade to Smartsheet would be allowing the sheet designer to MOVE ROW to the bottom OR the top of the destination sheet.

  • I agree with all of the above. I'll submit an enhancement request but won't be holding my breath. Obviously not a priority for the developers :(

  • Sometimes seems smartsheet dev crew is a bit slow to the draw.

  • For now I'd be happy for a way to sort with a filter on. The process could be to turn the filter off, sort, and then put the original filter back on. I agree having an instantaneously automatic sort or an automation sort would be great as well.

  • Hi guys,, Can anyone provide an update if this is coming soon?

    We have a need for auto-sorting, based on specific criteria that includes SKU items, categories, and Unique Identifiers. Auto-sorting would be perfect! Since this is all done in the grid, and reports do not suffice because of the lack of filtering.

    I'll add another enhancement request, but wanted to check with the community if workarounds have been found for this issue?

    Thank you,


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