Possible to insert today's date (dynamically) as Form default using URL Query String

JLH ✭✭
edited 03/20/20 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello -

I need to find a way to have a Date field default to the current date on a Form. (I can't use the systen-date field, as user needs to be able to override 'todays Date' if necessary)

Unfortunately, selecting the obvious Date field-type default value to 'Today' .... locks in, literally, today's date - the date the form was created - in perpetuity. This makes no sense given that someone who wants a fixed default date on the form can simply select that specific date and make it the default. The presence of a default value of 'Today' to my thinking, really implies dynamic assignment.... but anyhow....

From reading other posts, I can see that form fields can be pre-loaded by crafting a URL Query String.

Is there a way I can use this to pre-load a dynamic current date?

As in: URL.............. ?Entry%20Date= <<need current date here>>
