Need a report that summarizes clients assigned to staff


I have a very basic Smart Sheet:

Staff Member (Contact List)

Client name (Text Column)

Age (Date)

Birthday (Date)

There are a few other columns, but they are not relevant to my question. I need to be able to run a report that summarizes the number of clients assigned to each Staff Member. I don't need to know anything about the client, just a summary by Staff member. Literally...

Staff member A = 5

Staff member B = 10

But I can't figure out where to find the formulas when building a Report???

Best Answers

  • StephanieR
    StephanieR ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Thank you. Very helpful, and it will get the job done!


  • StephanieR
    StephanieR ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Thank you. Very helpful, and it will get the job done!