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Sending Attachments

Brandy S. PVD
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I want to send/share a row with someone and I want them to be able to see the images in the attachments without having to open them.

For instance, I need to send a General Contractor a Weekly Report of work completed. There are attached images on a row that need to be sent to him. I could share the row, but it would not display the images immediately he would have to open them individually.  And they also do not display if I share the row as a PDF. (This would be incredible if they did)

Is there a way to create a document, perhaps through Google docs, that will automatically display attachments as well as other information on the row without any additional "clicks"?

Thank you!



  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    the best way to do this is to upload the images into a Smartsheet column on the sheet itself then Publish it, then send your viewer the link, so your intended viewer can both see the images and doesn't have to log in. You can also store them in the Uploads area too but this gives your viewer easy access. 

    Hope that helps? 



  • Brandy S. PVD
    edited 05/12/17

    Thank you, Richard.

    We have played with this option, but it creates extra work that we can be open to. Although we prefer a solution that doesn't require downloading to the computer and then uploading back into the sheet.  I couldn't find a third party solution through Zapier either. Maybe this is a Product Enhancement Request.


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