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Import "assigned to" from excel or CSV

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I want to import data from CSV or excel where one column is the "Assigned to" contact. Using the user name or email address smartsheet does not recongnise the data imported untill it is manualy selected in the smartsheet cell.


This would then be part of a project imported with resource management using teh assigned to column.


How can I do this ?


Chris Brown



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Data imported from an Excel file with a list of contacts will import as text. Assigning tasks to users in Smartsheet will link that to their Smartsheet account. Excel does not have a way to indicate a contact the way Smartsheet does and the information is formatted as text - not as Smartsheet contacts. 


    A quick way to update the assigned to column once the file is imported: filter the Assigned To column to show only one user. Fix the first task to be assigned to the correct contact, then drag fill down the entire sheet. 

  • Janos

    Wow, this is so bad. I want to import from a report all the assigned to names, but no contacts are found by the exact same display name. I have thousands of jobs to assign to 30 or more people. This is really making it useless for me of I have to set it user by user instead of importing and Smartsheet recognizes the naming. I need a fix for this! 

  • Markus Schulte


    I absolutely agree. If this is not solved I will not buy. 


  • adgcz
    edited 05/16/18


    Has this been resolved with the import feature?  I wish to use the import feature by pulling in an Excel/Google sheet with an assigned column containing the email addresses that also match the email address of the users in smartsheet.  However, upon import, the tasks fail to be assigned even though the email address matches the users.  

    Any tips appreciated.


  • DaVViD
    DaVViD ✭✭

    Any updates on importing smartsheet users?

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