Multiple pre-built Approval Columns not available for selection in an approval workflow


I am building a process that will have up to 6 different people approving an action. I'm building separate workflows to control the trigger as some are dependent on others: 3rd, 4th, 5th will all trigger simultaneously with a field condition and a 2nd approval value of 'Approved".

I keep trying to build the separate approval workflows, but when I try to select the column the approval will be stored in, I am only given column selection for approval 1 and approval 4....and smartsheet wants to add an approval seven(new) column rather than let me select my pre-built column.

I suppose I could work around it by deleting all the pre-built options, select the New options, then rename and move the New columns where I want them in the sheet?

Best Answer

  • Traci Summers
    Traci Summers ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Andree,

    I just ended up removing all pre-built columns, letting the automation add a new column and then renamed. It doesn't seem to like it if you add columns and then try to designate them as approval columns later.
