Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Removing Shared Users

One thing that frustrates me the most is not being able to remove shared users easily.

I know in the User Management section I can type in a e-mail address and have that person removed from all shares.

However, I have 100+ shares. Why isn't there a list that shows me every person that is allowed to share on each sheet.

Currently, I cannot see a way to look at the entire account and see if we missed removing people from a sheet sharing if they have left the organization.

Best Answer


  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/31/22

    Hi @hcosta52671 ,

    There is a quick way to remove someone from all shared sheets, reports and everything. This is what we do when an employee leaves the company. Go to USER MANAGEMENT and select Revoke Access to Items from the More Actions drop down...located on the top left. Then you type in the person's email address. This will then remove them from everything.

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