Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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How long for data to update across linked cells and reports

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

On more than one occasion, upon updating information in one sheet, and saving and refreshing all involved sheets/reports, the data was not visible in other sheets/reports. 

Is this an update delay, browser caching, or something else? And, is there a general amount of time I can tell users?

Two scenarios I've experienced:

- an outbound link to multiple sheets and one report

- removed and re-added a column in one sheet, and the column did not appear in the Add Column list when updating a report that the original column was used in (I think it was actually more complicated than that to describe, but I think you'll get the gist.)

Thanks for any help with this!


  • Hi Pamela,

    Out of curiosity, do you have multiple Smartsheet windows or tabs open in your browser?

    Smartsheet doesn't support multi-tabbed usage at this time, so that may be a part of the issue.

    Full disclosure, I have sheets and reports open in multiple windows all the time. I have to refresh the browser window completely if I'm looking at a report in one window and one of the source sheets in another when I make those types of changes.

    Just remember to save your data before you refresh your entire browser.

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