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May Question of the Month πŸ’­ Join the conversation and receive a badge

edited 06/05/23 in Show & Tell

Hi everyone,

We recently shared a Forbes article from our EVP of engineering, Praerit Garg that spoke about the big impact managers have on the performance and retention of their teams.

In keeping with the topic of career impact, this month's Question of the Month asks:

Who has had the biggest impact on your career and why?

Could be a professional connection, a teacher, book author, childhood friend - possibilities are endless. We can't wait to hear your stories.

Share your answer in the comments below.

About Question of the Month:

We kick off each month with a new question. These monthly ice breakers are just one way to help you get to know your Smartsheet peers and rack up some badges and points in the process.

Everyone who participates by answering the question prior to the end of the month will automatically receive a unique participant badge once the question closes at the end of the month.

In addition to the participant badge, the top three answers based on Community member votes will receive the Top Answer badge. To vote on an answer click on the upvote icon associated with an answer in the comments below. Multiple votes allowed and encouraged!



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    I want to say its one of my previous managers. He always pushed for knowledge expansion and certifications. Today he is one of my best friends and we talk daily about the next knowledge target.

    Ken Armstrong

    Smartsheet Project Manager, GE Aerospace

    Certified Smartsheet Administrator

    Be Firm! Be Fair! Be Friendly! Be Honest!!!

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    This is a tough question, but it really makes you think. In my life, I have always loved helping people and kids! My favorite teacher in High School suggested I work for a local company helping those in our community with Developmentally disabilities. I applied and started on my journey for 6 years. As I changed positions within that organization, I was given the opportunity to work with the kids in the school district after school hours and loved every second. I applied with our local district and started on my new career path here at MCVSD 51. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and people are put in your life to help guide you towards your reason! My path led to some amazing people, and I am just grateful for each and everyone that entered my life, making me who I am today. There is not just one person who pointed me to my career but rather a village of supporters. My family, my friends, and myself, that's who guided me!

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    The Executive Director at my last place of work. 8 years ago I was contemplating a career change and didn't know what direction to take. I'd been let go from my previous employer and was feeling bruised. πŸ€• I applied for a job managing volunteers at a small non-profit I'd been volunteering with. Between the two interviews, the Board replaced the Executive Director! 😲 The incoming ED looked at my resume and the job, and asked me how I felt about taking on all people, ie. managing HR as well as volunteers. I said I was willing to give it a go. 😁 πŸ‘οΈ

    That started my HR career path. I learned on the job, did part-time study at my local university πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ and after four years I moved to my current role as HR manager in a much bigger non-profit. πŸ’ͺ I love the work and the ongoing learning, and none of it would have happened had it not been for that ED giving me a chance! πŸ˜€

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    I would say my mentors, and I have had several throughout my life and professional career. I was able to listen and learn from individuals who had been in their careers for many years, made mistakes, learned from them, taught others, and me, and were humble enough to take accountability and move forward. This was a very attractive trait as I advanced in my own career, realizing that I needed to own up to my failures and assumptions and teach others in my field what I have learned along the way in order to help them grow themselves and hopefully continue to transform whatever industry they are in a positive way.

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    edited 05/01/23

    My mother and wife have had the biggest impact in my career. Before I got married, my mother taught me the importance of saving and being responsible in all aspects of life (job, marriage, education etc). She encouraged me even when I thought my goals might be far fetched. She sadly passed away a few years after I got married and was not able to see me achieve my dreams. My wife, has always believed in me and pushed me to achieve the unachievable. After my mum passed, I lost the enthusiasm to do anything but I am so grateful for my wife's support. She helped me get back on my feet, supported and encouraged me to get back to my dreams and I achieved it (well, now I have bigger goals lol).

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