Giving an output based on text from multiple selection dropdown


Good Afternoon,

I've been racking my brain trying to get this function to work. I have a column set up to allow multiple selections of specific text with the column name "Processes." I want the cell to find the specific text and give a number value. I'll then pull from a "Due Date" column giving the processes start date "Finish Start." Both columns are on the same sheet, even though the "Processes" column pulls from another sheet.

Currently, I've been seeing multiple uses of an If/Then formula with "Contains" in it. It seems like the right solution, it's just not giving me a result. This is my current formula =IF(CONTAINS("FAB - Finish", Processes@row, 3, 0))

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Ross Conley

    Try this

    =IF(CONTAINS("FAB - Finish", Processes@row), 3, 0)

    If you have multiple words to add that have different values, delete the zero and parenthesis and add additional IFs after the 3,

    Does the formula above work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Ross Conley

    Try this

    =IF(CONTAINS("FAB - Finish", Processes@row), 3, 0)

    If you have multiple words to add that have different values, delete the zero and parenthesis and add additional IFs after the 3,

    Does the formula above work for you?


  • Ross Conley


    Thank you so much! This fixed it 100%.

    When I read the solution, I facepalmed so hard that I fell out of my chair. For those that are rereading it 3 times like I did, the position of your parenthesis ")" are extremely important. I've grown accustom to excel autocorrecting the formulas and didn't realize.

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